Saturday, November 29, 2008


I just saw Synecdoche, New York with my friend Allison and I have many thoughts and feelings about the film. I'm not going to get into them on this post, but I will say that I was reading other people's responses to the movie just now and I can't even understand what they are trying to say.

After the movie I went over to Barnes and Noble for a little browsing. I guess the movie affected me even more than I thought because everything seemed so fucked up and staged. Honestly I felt a little like I was on drugs. The best thing about feeling that way without actually being on drugs was the fact that I could observe the weirdness and feel a little freaked out about it without actually getting too scared and panicking.

Cases in point:

As I walk up to the door, a man rushes out holding an infant carrier in one hand and pulling a screaming toddler with the other. He looks at me pleadingly for a second too long and gives me the willies.

When I get inside, the first thing I see is Extremely Tall and Skinny Man with Coke Bottle Glasses and a Stringy Black Skullet. His black t-shirt and black jeans are faded almost to gray and he is walking a few paces in each direction looking frantically for something. He seems sinister somehow and I give him wide berth.

At this point I am becoming aware of the weird vibe and know it is from the movie. I go with it and think, "This could be an elaborate set and I am the only audience member."

I turn the corner and bump into a girl walking swiftly toward the escalator. Behind her is a small older Korean woman I assume to be her grandmother. And she appears to have no arms. Armless Korean Grandmother, of course! I sneak back around the displays and upon a second look I see that she has clasped her hands behind her back and draped her cardigan over her shoulders so that the sweater arms hang limply over her hidden ones.

I start to wonder if maybe I should be taking notes and search in my purse for a notebook, which I don't find. I head back to look through the memoir section and they have moved it since I was last there which confuses me. I wonder if the set director could possibly have made this big of a mistake and the thought causes me to feel a little bit cross-eyed, like the time in high school where a guy gave me some pills of his mothers that didn't make me feel messed up but made my eyes cross unless I smacked myself on the side of the head.

I start to browse at the table in the middle with games on either side. I watch the Sullen High School Girl Working at Bookstore and think she is overdoing it a bit. Hair pseudo-haphazardly pinned up with about twenty clips, black argyle kneesocks and clunky black shoes. Short bangs and a thick layer of burgundy know the type. Next year at this time there will be a lip ring right in the center of her pouty lower lip.

My attention back on the games, I am joined by Teenage Couple. She is a small, spunky Asian girl and he is a tall, pimply white boy. He is hunched over and I am not sure whether it is his normal posture or whether it is so that he can comfortably keep his hand in the back pocket of her jeans. She starts to read to him from the back of a game that has something to do with seeing how dirty your mind may be. "I can only get laid once. The question is whether I came first." She cuts her eyes at him and blushes as she reads and even though the answer is horribly obvious he clears his throat and blushes back, mumbling, "I don't know." She presses him for a guess, putting her hand up on his chest and he shuffles his feet and coughs some more. All this with his hand still securely in her pocket.

I walk around the fiction section for a minute and notice how the hushed chatter and soft laughter totally seems piped in over the speakers. People seem to start talking when I get close and stop when I walk away.

Riding up the escalator, I wonder if I am supposed to notice the musical ch-ch-chhhh ch-ch-chhhh of the stairs. It is way quieter upstairs and straight ahead all four seats are full of the people who always seem to get the good chairs. Three people not even reading but staring off into space and one person sleeping. All three of the awake people seem to be staring at the same point in the center of the square of chairs, which seems especially strange.

I notice a tall, busty red-headed lady browsing in psychology and decide to spy on her. She is Woman Browsing Self Help Section. So cliche. She's middle-aged, pretty under too much makeup, wearing a pink sweater that clashes terribly with her overly orange dyed hair. She is ever so slightly pudgy and tugs at her trousers after lifting up on tiptoe to see a title. I can't tell whether she gives off a meek vibe or whether I am putting that mojo on her myself.

I head around the shelf to the craft section and bump into Nerdy College Guy Working in Bookstore. I knock a book off the cart he is pushing and he actually says "Argh." I apologize but he just pushes his glasses up his nose and looks at the floor before squeaking away, his badge clanging against the cart.

Over in the craft section I start to notice Loud Talking Asshole Guys somewhere out of my sight. The first thing I pick up on is, "Just like that Prop 8 bullshit in Cali." Guy 2 remarks, "Isn't it so awesome how that worked out? They totally thought they had it - that all the African Americans and minorities who voted for Obama would be on their side. But they got fucked - haha!"

Now I get up off the floor and move to the other side of the aisle so I can see them. I have the feeling that they can't actually see me, so I openly stare. One guy is standing, untucked button-down shirt with open collar sticking out from his blazer jacket. Her has trendy glasses and one of those spiky hairdos meant to distract from male pattern hair loss. The second man is short, sits with his ass on a display (pushing books all out of whack) and wears those god-awful leather mules that some men think look good. Black hair sprouts out of all his toe-knuckles and his toenails are almost perfectly half-yellow - like nail fungus finally cured and growing out or perhaps red nail polish left on too long. I lose interest in what they are saying once they move on to the how's business part of the conversation and all I hear is the inappropriate volume of their exchange.

Once I'm outside I stand for awhile looking in the windows at people. When it's dark outside it really does seem staged. Since you walk down stairs to go in, the view from outside the glass lets you see within each row - above the stage. People seem even more animated without sound. Two old ladies make HUGE amazed faces at each other, laugh, and sock each other on the arms. A man talks to a woman while she looks at a book on the shelf, completely ignoring him. Outcast Teenager sits on the floor in the graphic novel section with white earbuds in, furiously sketching what I can see (from my vantage point) are Manga girls with large breasts, wet eyes, and tiny waists - the exact opposite of her.

The light given off by streetlights always seems weird to me but walking to my car felt so strange that I started to think I was walking funny...what should I do with my arms?

When I got home I tried explaining this all to Tim but I don't think it made tons of sense, as I'm sure it doesn't here, either.

Weird movie, weird night. But both were fun.

***Please excuse my punctuation - I am too tired to go back and check it...***

Friday, November 28, 2008

Is It So Wrong...

that when your toddler finds a condom wrapper under your bed you tell him that it's a candy wrapper?

I have a feeling this one may come back to bite me.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Holy Hell

Sometimes when we have the volume turned all the way down on our computer speakers we hear scary sounding men reading scripture through them. It always happens late at night. It is happening RIGHT NOW! It is so so quiet that I can't tell exactly what he's saying. I put the speaker up to my ear and I could hear "and he said unto him," vengeance," and "his wrath." It is so scary. This time the man sounds like the preacher from Carnivale. What in the hell is going on? Can one of my sciency friends please give me a logical explanation?

Capital h, little a

This lady probably my grandmothers age said, "This Thanksgiving I'm going to my daughter's house and my grandchildren and I are going to play capital w, little i, little i!" For some reason this was so funny to me that not only did I snarf my Diet Coke, but I also laughed far louder and longer than was appropriate. I am so rude.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Election Night

This is so super late, I know.

Christen and I went downtown on election night to get the vibe of the people. It was really cool being down there even though we were in line when they called the election. We ran over to the first bar we saw that had tv and sound and sat to watch. When Obama came on to speak there was much hugging and crying. Looking out the window we could see random people skipping down the sidewalk and people hugging everywhere. Cars honked as they rolled up and down the street. It was awesome! - thanks Christen!

Christen Blog 110408

Mel and Christen Blog 110408

Christen Clapping Blog 110408

Christen Crying Blog 110408

Booth Blog 110408

Arms Around Blog 110408

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tim Farted on My Pillow

According to Superbad, this is likely the way I got F'N PINK EYE.

I haven't suffered through this since I was little. I thought I had a torn contact but no. It is horrible trying not to touch my eyes or Greyson at all.

Damn you, Tim.

Jeezum Crow! I accidentally had this posted on the family blog that my grandma reads! Oops.


Christen, bathe yourself and Aidan in antibacterial soap. Sorry to expose but we had an awesome time at the protest.

First antibiotics since pre-preggo and unmarried coming right up!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Carving Out Some Time

For some reason I was suddenly inspired to look into local volunteer opportunities. I found tons of cool sites that hook you up with people who need volunteers.

I have limited time but was thinking I could carve out 1-2 hours after school once or twice a week so I searched with that in mind.

Here's one that I found that I wanted to share:
Patient Care Volunteer -A*Med Community Hospice

We need volunteers to provide companionship to our patients and/or families in Travis, Williamson, and Bastrop counties. The schedule is flexible and depends upon you and the patient/family/facility that you agree to be assigned. You may run errands, sit with patient, read to patient, walk their dog, spend time with their children or just be present.

I was thinking about the nurses and staff when my Papa was in hospice and how amazing they were. I meant to write them a thank you after he passed away but I guess I never really thought about it again.

Another cool one I saw that seems more temporary was
Austin/Travis County Homeless Count/Survey

“Stand up and be counted” 2009 Point in Time Count and Survey OFFICIAL VOLUNTEER CALL What is the point-in-time count?

The point in time count occurs every two years and is a census of all homeless persons in Travis County. Cities nationwide will be participating in similar counts this year and reporting the data to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). We will also be conducting a voluntary survey in conjunction with the count this year. In 2007, there were 80 volunteers participating in the count and 2,148 unsheltered homeless individuals counted.

Why is it important?
The homeless count and survey will help identify who is homeless in Travis County and provide us with a baseline number of homeless individuals. The data collected will be useful on many levels:

· It will give Travis County leverage when applying for federal or private aid to maintain and/or improve service delivery to the homeless population.

· The count can be used to measure progress towards ending chronic homelessness by 2014.

· It will increase public awareness of the homeless population in Travis County.

· It will allow agencies to improve their ability to plan and implement effective services for homeless persons.


Anyhoo there were tons of links to one-time events such as walks/fundraisers.

I Googled "volunteer opportunities".

I'm not posting this to say oh look at me I'm great or oh you should be doing this. It just seems like I think about volunteering and I think about it and think about it but it never happens. Maybe announcing it to the universe (my blog readers, you are my universe!) will push me to make it happen. I emailed the Hospice so maybe it's working already.

PMSing and feeling emotional!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008



I know I've said before that I love beatboxing, but I will say it again: I love beatboxing.

Is she awesome or what?


Greyson's new thing to do while I brush his teeth is to brush in my cleavage with his old toothbrush. He is convinced there is "poo-poo in there." It's so nice being reminded twice a day that your boobs are so unperky and nonapartfromeachother that your toddler is sure they're an ass.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

So Much

I am reading this book called The Man on the Ceiling and it is unlike anything I've ever read before. Aside from the fact that I am having a hard time sorting out my feelings about the book, there are many things the authors have said that I have wanted to write about. I'll do that later, but for now something they said seems appropriate for today.

I can't find the actual passage because I forgot to mark it, but it says something to the effect that she "looked at him as if she couldn't believe he was her child." I have been feeling like this a lot lately. And in context it was meant as being incredulous that such an amazing person is possible. G has had another big language jump in the last two weeks and more often than not when his is conversing with me I find myself smiling dumbly at him because he is just more than I can even take in. Amazing. I honestly can't believe it sometimes - not only that he is my son (and this has nothing to do with biology - in fact the son in the book is adopted - and everything to do with the fact that we are mother and son to each other), but even that such an unbelievable little person can even exist.

It makes me dizzy.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Barometric Pressure

I swear the barometric pressure causes craziness. Every time I have an insane day I think, "Oh it must be a full moon." Adn it never is but it IS always during a change in weather.

Today was awful. Super crazy morning, pissed off teacher, war with parent via email, G cracks head open and needs stitches, stuck in traffic forever, mess up sleeve in shirt I'm making THREE times, break needle on sewing machine, screw up wrap-n-mat I'm making almost beyond hope, can't even eat a jelly bean without dropping it on the floor and then it turns out to be a nasty flavor and I have to spit it out.


Tomorrow will be better, I am absolutely sure of it...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

One More Thing

Before I go:

The mock election at my elementary school:
563 votes cast

Popular Vote:
Obama 352
McCain 199
Barr 12

Electoral Votes (27 classrooms, 1 vote each)
Obama 25
McCain 2

From the mouths of babes...

Steppin' Out!

EXCITING! My friend Christen is coming to get me and we're going downtown, baby. Election watch parties here we come!

I can't wait to be among the masses (brain saying:pleasepleaseplease).

See you on the flip side...


I am so nervous. Nail-biting already over here. Eight years and four years ago I got very emotionally involoved and was totally crushed. Last time I was in shock for awhile, I think. I have been so gun shy this time. I support who I support but I honestly have been holding back on the hope a little.

But I feel it coming on, creeping up.

The hope.

Here's the old video that helped spark the tiny flame I've had burning in my heart all along but have been afraid to feed. Worth another watch on this night.

As my friend Anj said...come on Universe!

And I couldn't love you any more than I already do even if you were an Obama supporter Jenni! ;)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Vote for G!

I know there eight, but I had a million and this is as far as I can narrow them down!









Sunday, November 2, 2008

True That!

Less than 5 minutes to True Blood!!! can climb naked out of the ground and ravage me anytime!

Home alone, too!

Only first 1:20 is sexy...then not. Didn't want you to think I was too weird!

I'll be looking for the coming out of the ground clip later!



I went to Maker Faire both days this year. I had such a blast. I took Greyson with me the first day and we did lots of exploring in the science part and rocked the robowars! I came back minus child on Sunday and took like 700 pictures :) I don't have time to go through them all right now, but I wanted to post just one. This was my favorite item in all of the Faire. I wanted it soooo badly. But I didn't bring my wallet (on purpose) and thank goodness. Pretty cool, huh? It's from Xylocopa Design.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

How Clean is My House?

So clean that when my friend Jenni came in for one minute her lovely children (pictured below) huddled close to her, EACH with one hand in hers and one hand delicately pinching nostrils closed.


Always tomorrow, it seems...