Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Hey guys,
I'm coming up from my hole for just a minute to check in. I have had a rough week or so. I've been thinking about blogging but frankly I haven't really done anything at all. Then I saw that not one but two of my friends have recently posted about having some of the same problems and I figure if they can come clean so can I. I have been feeling down off and on lately, but I think it has definitely become something more. I blamed all my symptoms (hair coming out AGAIN, weight gain, extreme fatigue, muscle soreness, etc.) on my thyroid since I have been off meds for close to a month now. But I had my bloodwork done and all levels (including testosterone) are normal. Seems I shouldn't have still been taking the meds? I guess hypothyroid might be a post-preggo thing for me - who knows. So anyway I am going to come right out and say that I think I am depressed. I took a questionnaire and it said, "You apppear to have severe depressive disorder." Then it went on to say see a doctor and don't commit suicide. haha. So anyway I have been all over the place emotionally this week and falling behind on things (work and maintaining friendships). But my girls have been checking on me and I do appreciate that. It's not something I'm used to having - a group of girls who care so much about me, I mean. Anyhoo, I am here and attempting to drag myself out of the funk. I start work NEXT week (boooooooooooooooooooooooooo) and I am really freaking out (overreacting?) about not being able to see the people who ground me on a regular basis for months and months. But at least work means I won't be able to lay around all day. However, I will soon be lying in bed worrying about school related crap...can't wait.
This was a total ramble - just wanted to let you know I'm still here. I'll post more soon but for now it's a bath and bed for me.
Love you!


Anonymous said...

Been thinking about you, mama! Lets get together soon! If I dont hear from you I am going to continue to pester and will drag your ass out if I must! Oh and stop taking the online quiz's they will only make you more worried!
Much love!

Andrea said...

I knew something was up since you hadn't posted and you weren't outta town or anything.

Depression sucks. I've been there.
Even the mild episodes do, so I know how you feel. I hope you feel better soon.

Rest up, Buttercup!

Christen said...

Glad to hear from you. I think there must be something going on with the moon because most every woman I know has been feelin' the funk. Me, included.
We're here for you, Mel.

Sara Ballard said...

Hear, hear!, what Christen said! School starting just means we have to have more MNO & MNI to attend so we can chat and drink! ;) We are ALL here for ya!

jw said...
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Anonymous said...

You're speaking to a pro on the depression thing. It's been oh say- 30 years off and on. I can speak to you regarding meds and other methods of funk removal since this has been my life. You have my love and support (and obviously everyone else's). Often ranting to others and deep belly laughter is the best medicine.

Stephanie said...

Love you, Mel. I'm sorry you are feeling so crappy. I think we've all been there one time or another. I hope you find something to help you feel better. Know that your friends love you.

anja said...

It must be the moon, i've been feeling like shit myself. will you ever come over to my house? pleeeease? I will pamper you. Next week, this week i'm sick...f*&^ing stomach disorder and general bad mood that shouldn't be shared, my poor child bore the brunt of it this morning. Anyway..its good to know we are not alone, life is hard, there's no two ways about it.

Anonymous said...

(Heather P from OM) I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time, Melanie. I wish I'd read this before you came over today. I don't know how you feel about meds, but if you ever want to talk about that option I'd be happy to tell you my experiences with them. I wish I would've given you that broccoli to take home with you-- I know it wouldn't solve everything, but it's good for a laugh. Love you!

iMother2.0 said...

Glad you're back! It was SO great seeing you and Greyson (I swear I have a crush on him). Lunch was a great idea and something I very much needed.

You will NOT have to worry about not having your girls around. You can email from work and evenings (especially Thurs) are good for us. Sat and Sundays as well. I'm sure some of us are up for weekend playdates...oh, and don't forget our rockin MNO's & MNI's!

As Anja said, it MUST be the moon...everyone's feeling pretty crappy lately.

Oh, you have a FAB new ride!!!! I LOVE that Greyson wanted me to ride in the back with him (crushin hard). See, I can ramble, too.

Love ya, Babe!!!

Allison S said...

We love ya', Mel. As everyone said, many of us have been there and can relate! I know I'll be up for some weekend activities once school starts. (You won't be alone)

Anonymous said...

Please talk to you docter. Medication can really help! I struggled for so long not wanting to be dependent on a drug to make me happy, but the fact is, even if our life is peachy keen the chemicals in our brain may be a jumbled up mess. Making us feel like we are walking through a marshmallow. The good times aren't so great and the bad times are really bad. Meds can help and the sky will suddenly seem very very blue and you will feel that inner glow again. Good luck!

nopinkhere said...

K and I will miss seeing you so often once you're back in school. He pops out with things about you two. We've gone to the same restaurant downtown a few more times since we had lunch with you there, and every time we go, he talks about y'all. I'm sure we'll find some way to see you two during the year.

Andi said...

So glad that you posted...I was worried. I am a recent visitor here, but I so enjoy your site. I hope you start feeling better soon. I have had bouts of time when I felt completely depressed- never officially diagnosed or medicated, but I have had friends tell me that with help you will feel like a different person- so much better and like the real you. I just kind of go in and out of that I feel like it is my imagination sometimes. It just passes without me really knowing why and then resurfaces without warning...
But, I do hope you will seek some answers. I started back to work last week (school) and my students arrive in two days so I, too, will be in my bed wallowing about school related stuff...Hope things improve and you start feeling better soon!