My friend
Bonnie hosted a
OneLight Workshop in her home last month. It was totally insane how much I learned and how excited I was the whole day. This is the first opportunity I've had to look at some of the pics I took there. These are the favorites of my grid spot shots. The thing that really blew my mind is that these photos were taken in Bonnie's entryway with regular tungsten light all around us. The room was not dark. The effect was created by the grid spot - which can apparently be made with a bunch of straws?? Cool.
Whoops, can crazy typos, so I had to redo my post.
As I was saying...
I don't understand what any of that means---grid spots, tungsten lighting, but it still is amazing how these effects were captured.
This effect would be cool to implement in partial body shot, sans clothing. How beautiful would that be!
Sh*t! You would think I was drunk posting tonight. I wish I was!
Meant to say, HAD crazy typos.
My eyes are going googly. It's 10:43. I should go to bed now.
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